I'm wondering if what I have can be simplified, it seems a little repetitive but I can't figure out how to run all the file watchers at the same time in a different way.
Any help is appreciated:
let files = {
html: './*.html',
htmlDeeper: './*/*/.html',
css: './_assets/css/*.scss',
cssDeeper: './_sass/*/*.scss',
js: './*.js',
jsDeeper: './_assets/js/*.js',
yml: './_config.yml'
// Watch for file changes
gulp.task('watch', () => {
gulp.watch(files.html, ['jekyll-reload']);
gulp.watch(files.htmlDeeper, ['jekyll-reload']);
gulp.watch(files.css, ['jekyll-reload']);
gulp.watch(files.cssDeeper, ['jekyll-reload']);
gulp.watch(files.js, ['jekyll-reload']);
gulp.watch(files.jsDeeper, ['jekyll-reload']);
gulp.watch(files.yml, ['jekyll-reload']);
let files = {
html: './**/**/*.html',
// htmlDeeper: './*/*/.html',
// it isn't clear if this will work for you
// perhaps you are trying to exclude something like './other/*.scss' ?
// css: '/**/*.scss'
css: './_assets/css/*.scss',
cssDeeper: './_sass/*/*.scss',
// same comment as above, if you are trying to not include something like
// './otherFolder/js/*.js' than the next line would work
// js: '/**/*.js',
js: './*.js',
jsDeeper: './_assets/js/*.js',
yml: './_config.yml'
// gulp.watch(files.htmlDeeper, ['jekyll-reload']);