I'm creating an add-in that I to sell using organizational licenses.
I have implemented an authentication scheme on the add-in. I'm currently asking for User.Read
scope for a sure authenticating using and Azure v2 endpoint. To get the user's information I'm querying
To properly test for the user's license I need extract the user's organization's identification. However, the user information I receive from the Grah request is increadibly lean. For an AAD account the schema looks something like:
"@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#users/$entity",
businessPhones: [],
displayName: "FirstName LastName",
givenName: "FirstName",
id: "unique-id",
jobTitle: null,
mail: "First.LastName@COMPANYDOMAIN.COM",
mobilePhone: null,
officeLocation: null,
preferredLanguage: null,
surname: "LastName",
userPrincipalName: "FILastName@COMPANYDOMAIN.COM"
If I use
I get more information, but nothing that helps me pin down a unique id on the user's organization.
Is there a different scope I need to use to get information for the user's organization? And if there is not, can I rely on parsing the domain name from the user's email as a unique id for the user's organization? Do I need to query a different API?
In case it helps, after the user authenticates with AD, I receive the following response:
access_token: "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJub25jZSI6IkFRQUJBQUFBQUFEWDhHQ2k2SnM2U0s4MlRzRDJQYjdyN1VLTzdJSDJSLWpTcmpScU9..."
expires_at: Fri May 18 2018 07: 18: 42 GMT - 0400(Eastern Daylight Time) {}
expires_in: "3599"
provider: "Microsoft"
scope: "https://graph.microsoft.com/User.Read"
session_state: "012f4565-31bb-..."
state: "259309..."
token_type: "Bearer"
@odata.context: "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/$metadata#users/$entity",
accountEnabled: true,
ageGroup: null,
assignedLicenses: [],
assignedPlans: [],
businessPhones: [],
city: null,
companyName: null,
consentProvidedForMinor: null,
country: null,
deletedDateTime: null,
department: null,
deviceKeys: [],
displayName: "FirstName LastName",
employeeId: null,
givenName: "FirstName",
id: "ebdcf715-43c5-4f48-ad0d-b798a3330849",
imAddresses: [],
jobTitle: null,
legalAgeGroupClassification: null,
mail: "FirstName.LastName@COMPANYDOMAIN.COM",
mailNickname: "FirstName.LastName",
mobilePhone: null,
officeLocation: null,
onPremisesDomainName: "COMPANYDOMAIN.COM",
onPremisesExtensionAttributes: {
onPremisesImmutableId: "...RVWAty...",
onPremisesLastSyncDateTime: "2018-05-10T18:13:45Z",
onPremisesProvisioningErrors: [],
onPremisesSamAccountName: "FILastName",
onPremisesSecurityIdentifier: "...-21-1412366426-...",
onPremisesSyncEnabled: true,
onPremisesUserPrincipalName: "FILastName@COMPANYDOMAIN.COM",
passwordPolicies: "DisablePasswordExpiration",
passwordProfile: null,
postalCode: null,
preferredDataLocation: null,
preferredLanguage: null,
provisionedPlans: [],
proxyAddresses: [],
refreshTokensValidFromDateTime: "2018-05-10T17:54:45Z",
showInAddressList: null,
state: null,
streetAddress: null,
surname: "LastName",
usageLocation: "US",
userPrincipalName: "FILastName@COMPANYDOMAIN.COM",
userType: "Member"
with jwt.ms{
"typ": "",
"nonce": "",
"alg": "",
"x5t": "",
"kid": "iBjL1Rcqzhiy4fpxIxdZqohM2Yk"
"aud": "",
"iss": "",
"iat": "",
"nbf": "",
"exp": "",
"acr": "",
"aio": "",
"amr": [
"app_displayname": "",
"appid": "",
"appidacr": "",
"family_name": "",
"given_name": "",
"ipaddr": "",
"name": "",
"oid": "",
"onprem_sid": "",
"platf": "",
"puid": "",
"scp": "",
"sub": "",
"tid": "",
"unique_name": "",
"upn": "",
"uti": "",
"ver": "1.0"
If nothing else works, you can decode the access token and get the tid
claim. That is the id for the Azure AD tenant.
You can find the documentation for the claims in tokens from here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/active-directory-token-and-claims
For example, here is what it says for tid
An immutable, non-reusable identifier that identifies the directory tenant that issued the token. You can use this value to access tenant-specific directory resources in a multi-tenant application. For example, you can use this value to identify the tenant in a call to the Graph API.