Good Morning. I'm starting with Python and I have a problem. I need to find all .xls files (all have the same header) and merge all into a single DataFrame, so I need to say that the first line of the file should be ignored. The current code I'm using is this:
os.chdir("file folder path")
fileLista = glob.glob('*.xls')
df = list()
for arquivo in fileLista:
df = df.append(pd.read_excel(arquivo))
Company= pd.concat(df)
Company.columns = Company.columns.str.strip()
I am using Glob to return all the .xls extension files, df.append is to merge all the files that have been returned and put inside a DataFrame, Company concat is to form a single file, Company strip is to remove the spaces that it has in the column header. When I run the code it returns me this error: "erro NoneType' object is not iterable"
Can anyone help me with this mistake?
What about this instead?
fileLista = glob.glob('*.xls')
Company = pd.DataFrame()
for arquivo in fileLista:
df = pd.read_excel(arquivo)
Company= pd.concat([Company,df])
Company.columns = Company.columns.str.strip()