My aws/aws-sdk-php version is 2.7.27. The emails we sent are marked as spam. I found that my AWS account has got 8 dedicated IPs in Dedicated IPs page. But the sender IP of my email isn't any of the dedicated IPs, it's a shared IP of amazon SES. In developer document of SES, I found that they said I can make a Configuration Set to specify whick IP pool is used for sending. I add a param called 'ConfigurationSetName' as the doc said but it doesn't work, my emails are still sending through shared IPs. My code is like:
$sendingParams = array(
'Source' => $fromEmail,
'Destination' => array(
'ToAddresses' => is_array($email) ? $email : array($email),
//'CcAddresses' => is_array($ccEmail) ? $ccEmail : array($ccEmail),
//'BccAddresses' => is_array($bccEmail) ? $bccEmail : array($bccEmail),
'Message' => array(
// Subject is required
'Subject' => array(
// Data is required
'Data' => $subject,
'Charset' => 'utf-8',
// Body is required
'Body' => array(
'Html' => array(
// Data is required
'Data' => $content,
'Charset' => 'utf-8',
'ReplyToAddresses' => array($fromEmail),
'ReturnPath' => $returnPath,
'ConfigurationSetName' => 'system',
if (!empty($ccEmail)) {
$sendingParams['Destination']['CcAddresses'] = is_array($ccEmail) ? $ccEmail : array($ccEmail);
if (!empty($bccEmail)) {
$sendingParams['Destination']['BccAddresses'] = is_array($bccEmail) ? $bccEmail : array($bccEmail);
$result = $this->sdkClient->sendEmail($sendingParams);
What's the problem with my code? Should I change the version of the SDK?
I find the problem. My dedicated IPs are warming up, and I can't use them before they were totally warmed up.