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How to find elements by class

I'm having trouble parsing HTML elements with "class" attribute using Beautifulsoup. The code looks like this

soup = BeautifulSoup(sdata)
mydivs = soup.findAll('div')
for div in mydivs: 
    if (div["class"] == "stylelistrow"):
        print div

I get an error on the same line "after" the script finishes.

File "./", line 130, in getlanguage
  if (div["class"] == "stylelistrow"):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/", line 599, in __getitem__
   return self._getAttrMap()[key]
KeyError: 'class'

How do I get rid of this error?


  • You can refine your search to only find those divs with a given class using BS3:

    mydivs = soup.find_all("div", {"class": "stylelistrow"})