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record voice in vxml (Tellme studio developer account)

I have developer account in tell studio ,

I tried some basic snippet its working fine, finaly i tried record tag,

but its not working , eve NOINPUT TAG also not working ,

This is my snippet ,

 <vxml version="2.0" xmlns="">
   <form id="form-record">
     <record name="greeting" beep="true" maxtime="10s" finalsilence="2000ms">
         Please record your greeting after the tone.---------------This line executing
         i did not hear anything. <reprompt/> ------this line not working, 
     <field name="confirm" type="boolean">
         your greeting is <audio expr="greeting"/> 
         to keep it say yes, to discard it say no.
         <if cond="confirm">
           <prompt> ok, i will save your greeting </prompt>
           <submit method="post" namelist="greeting"
           <prompt> ok, lets try again </prompt>
           <clear namelist="greeting confirm"/>


  • Do you keep quiet around telephone?

    "record" can gathering very small noise.

    Please press mute button of your telephone.