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F# SqlProvider fails to update changes in a dBase DBF file with ODBC connection

I have the following F# code

open FSharp.Data.Sql
open FSharp.Data.Sql.Runtime
open System.IO

let private schemaConn = @"Driver={Microsoft dBASE Driver (*.dbf)};DriverID=277;Dbq=C:\Citect\User\NPM;" 
type private schema = SqlDataProvider<Common.DatabaseProviderTypes.ODBC, schemaConn>
let private connStringFormat = Printf.StringFormat<string->string>(@"Driver={Microsoft dBASE Driver (*.dbf)};DriverID=277;Dbq=%s;")

type internal Project = {
    name : string
    path : string
    dcx : schema.dataContext

let private cUserPath = @"C:\Citect\User"

let private findPath projectName = 
    Directory.GetDirectories(cUserPath, projectName, SearchOption.AllDirectories)
    |> Array.find (fun d -> d.Contains("web") |> not)

let internal connect projectName =
    let path' = findPath projectName
    let connString = sprintf connStringFormat path'
    let dcx' = schema.GetDataContext(connString)
    { name = projectName; path = path'; dcx = dcx' }

let internal updVariable (project : Project) variable = 
    let dcx = project.dcx
    let q = query {
        for v in dcx.Dbo.Variable do
            where (v.Addr = "%MW217.0")
            select v
    q.Addr <- "QQQ"
    dcx.SubmitUpdates() //error

let internal prj = connect "NPMUG_SCC35"
updVariable prj ()

Connection and query work as expected, but when I try to update the data source I get the following error coming from the odbc driver:

Message -> ERROR [HY092] [Microsoft][ODBC dBase Driver]Invalid attribute/option identifier Source -> odbcjt32.dll

Is there a way to get it working or do I need to give up the type provider and resort back to OleDb?


Disabling transactions makes things a little better, now the error is due to the missing primary key in the dbf files I have to work with.

The only code changed is getting the data context

let dcx = schema.GetDataContext( { Timeout = TimeSpan.MaxValue; IsolationLevel = Transactions.IsolationLevel.DontCreateTransaction } : FSharp.Data.Sql.Transactions.TransactionOptions)

And the new error is:

System.Exception: Error - you cannot update an entity that does not have a primary key. (dbo.variable) at FSharp.Data.Sql.Providers.OdbcProvider.createUpdateCommand(IDbConnection con, StringBuilder sb, SqlEntity entity, FSharpList`1 changedColumns)

at .$Providers.Odbc.FSharp-Data-Sql-Common-ISqlProvider-ProcessUpdates@648-4.Invoke(SqlEntity e) at Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.SeqModule.Iterate[T](FSharpFunc2 action, IEnumerable1 source) at FSharp.Data.Sql.Providers.OdbcProvider.FSharp-Data-Sql-Common-ISqlProvider-ProcessUpdates(IDbConnection con, ConcurrentDictionary2 entities, TransactionOptions transactionOptions, FSharpOption1 timeout) at .$SqlRuntime.DataContext.f@1-69(SqlDataContext __, IDbConnection con, Unit unitVar0) at FSharp.Data.Sql.Runtime.SqlDataContext.FSharp-Data-Sql-Common-ISqlDataContext-SubmitPendingChanges()

Any idea on how to deal with this probem?


  • I found a tricky/dirty way that I would classify more as a workaround than a real solution, but it works in my case; so I am going to use it unless/until someone else suggests a conclusive one.

    To get the type provider working I need to do 2 things not in the usual workflow:

    1. The data context needs to be retrieved with transactions disabled
    2. Before performing changing operations on a DBF, I create a primary key on that DBF using a lower level SQL statement

    Here the working code

    let private schemaConn = @"Driver={Microsoft dBASE Driver (*.dbf)};DriverID=277;Dbq=C:\Citect\User\NPM;READONLY=FALSE" 
    type private schema = SqlDataProvider<Common.DatabaseProviderTypes.ODBC, schemaConn>
    let private connStringFormat = Printf.StringFormat<string->string>(@"Driver={Microsoft dBASE Driver (*.dbf)};DriverID=277;Dbq=%s;READONLY=FALSE")
    type internal Project = {
        name : string
        path : string
        dcx : schema.dataContext
    let private cUserPath = @"C:\Citect\User"
    let private findPath projectName = 
        Directory.GetDirectories(cUserPath, projectName, SearchOption.AllDirectories)
        |> Array.find (fun d -> d.Contains("web") |> not)
    let private createPK (cn : IDbConnection) = 
        let cm = cn.CreateCommand()
        cm.CommandText <- "ALTER TABLE Variable ADD PRIMARY KEY (Name)"
            cm.ExecuteNonQuery() |> ignore
        finally cn.Close()
    let internal connect projectName =
        let path' = findPath projectName
        let connString = sprintf connStringFormat path'
        let transOptions = { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3.0); IsolationLevel = Transactions.IsolationLevel.DontCreateTransaction }
        let dcx' = schema.GetDataContext(connectionString = connString, transactionOptions = transOptions)
        dcx'.CreateConnection() |> createPK
        { name = projectName; path = path'; dcx = dcx' }
    let internal updVariable (project : Project) variable = 
        let dcx = project.dcx
        let q = query {
            for v in dcx.Dbo.Variable do
                where (v.Addr = "%MW217.0")
                select v
        q.Addr <- "QQQ"
    let internal prj = connect "NPMUG_SCC35"
    updVariable prj ()