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Bookdown "Remark" environment

I'm trying to add numbered remarks (like in the definition or theorem environments) that I could referenced in a bookdown document. Something like:

```{remark, mylab}
my comment

In Remark \@ref(rem:mylab) we discussed...

which would produce:

Remark 1.1 my comment

In Remark 1.1 we discussed ...

Would anyone know if this is possible? Also, is it possible to change the numbering to A, B and so on? That is to have instead:

Remark A my comment

In Remark A we discussed ...

Thank you very much!


  • The general solution is:

    I do not know of a general solution to use alphabetic instead of numeric numbering. I am sure that this would be possible if one would use only LaTeX/PDF output.