I am trying to filter out logs received with the help of grok. Below is the sample log
INFO | jvm 1 | main | 2013/04/05 01:08:47.048 | [m[32mINFO [TaskExecutor-master-2443-ProcessTask [31111111112]] [b2cConfirmationAction] CRON JOB ID : 101AA1C, ACTION : ConfirmationAction , CUSTOMER ID : 000001111111 , EMAIL ADDRESS : abc@gmail.com , SCHEDULE : Every 1 week , MESSAGE : Execution started for action ConfirmationAction
I am using grok debugger (https://grokdebug.herokuapp.com/) to test before updating logstash conf file. Below is my filter code :
%{LOGLEVEL:level}%{GREEDYDATA:greedydata}%{SPACE}%{YEAR}[/-]%{MONTHNUM}[/-]%{MONTHDAY}%{SPACE}%{HOUR}:%{MINUTE}:%{SECOND}%{GREEDYDATA:gd} \[(?:%{WORD:action})\]%{GREEDYDATA:cronjobresult}
Here I am getting outpout as
"level": [ [ "INFO" ] ], "greedydata": [ [ " | jvm 1 | main | 20" ] ], "SPACE": [ [ "", " " ] ], "YEAR": [ [ "13" ] ], "MONTHNUM": [ [ "04" ] ], "MONTHDAY": [ [ "05" ] ], "HOUR": [ [ "01" ] ], "MINUTE": [ [ "08" ] ], "SECOND": [ [ "47.048" ] ], "gd": [ [ " | \u001b[m\u001b[32mINFO [TaskExecutor-master-2443-ProcessTask [31111111112]]" ] ], "action": [ [ "b2cConfirmationAction" ] ], "cronjobresult": [ [ " CRON JOB ID : 101AA4A , ACTION : ConfirmationAction , CUSTOMER ID : 000001111111 , EMAIL ADDRESS : abc@gmail.com , SCHEDULE : Every 1 week , MESSAGE : Execution started for action ConfirmationAction" ] ] }
My requirement is to get values under cronjobresult like cron job iD customer id with different and independent field so that I can use these values in kibana. Right now I am not able to get it. Also I have used greedyData twice, better approach for this log would be appreciable.
You can simply extend your filter further and match it explicitly. For instance, to match cron job id, you can write CRON JOB ID : %{BASE16NUM:Cron_job_id}
in your filter.
If you do not need any data from log then you can simply write .*
instead of GREEDYDATA
and it will be skipped.
Here is the complete filter for your log,
"level": [
"greedydata": [
" | jvm 1 | main | 20"
"SPACE": [
" "
"YEAR": [
"HOUR": [
"gd": [
" | [m[32mINFO [TaskExecutor-master-2443-ProcessTask [31111111112]]"
"action": [
"Cron_job_id": [
"Customer_id": [
"BASE10NUM": [
"local": [
"remote": [
"schedule": [
"Every 1 week "
"Message": [
"Execution started for action"
Please note that I have used EMAILADDRESS
pattern from, https://github.com/rgevaert/grok-patterns/blob/master/grok.d/postfix_patterns
If you want to test it on https://grokdebug.herokuapp.com, you need to add,
as cusomtom patterns by checking add custom patterns