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Morris js time as Y value always zero

I am trying to show a Time per id on my graph . I get the values from my mysql Db but it always shows value "0" on my graph

    <!DOCTYPE html>
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   <h2 align="center">Morris.js chart with PHP & Mysql</h2>
   <h3 align="center">wachttijd</h3>   
   <br /><br />
   <div id="chart"></div>

 element : 'chart',
 data :[{ id:'3', wachttijd :'00:01:04'}, { id:'4', wachttijd :'00:00:53'}, { id:'5', wachttijd :'00:01:09'}, { id:'6', wachttijd :'00:00:53'}, { id:'7', wachttijd :'00:01:09'}, { id:'8', wachttijd :'00:00:12'}],
 xkey :'id',
 parseTime: false ,
 ykeys :['wachttijd'/*,'totaaltijd'*/],
 labels :['wachttijd'/*,'totaaltijd'*/],
 hideHover :'auto',
 stacked :true

this is code i get when i look trough sources on the browser so i can see that i am getting values from my database

data :[{ id:'3', wachttijd :'00:01:04'}, ..... like here

graph i get

i want it to show me the values like 00:01:04 is it possible ?


  • don't think you can use strings for the y values

    you could convert to number of seconds,
    see following working snippet...

    window.addEventListener('load', function () { 
      var yLabels = [];
      var rawData = [{ id:'3', wachttijd :'00:01:04'}, { id:'4', wachttijd :'00:00:53'}, { id:'5', wachttijd :'00:01:09'}, { id:'6', wachttijd :'00:00:53'}, { id:'7', wachttijd :'00:01:09'}, { id:'8', wachttijd :'00:00:12'}];
      var data = (row) {
        return {
          yValue: ((new Date('01/01/2018 ' + row.wachttijd).getTime()) - (new Date('01/01/2018 00:00:00').getTime())) / 1000
       element : 'chart',
       data :data,
       xkey :'id',
       parseTime: false ,
       ykeys :['yValue'],
       yLabelFormat: function (y) {
        var date = new Date(new Date('01/01/2018').getTime() + (y * 1000));
        var hour = '00' + date.getHours().toString();
        hour = hour.substr(hour.length - 2);
        var min = '00' + date.getMinutes().toString();
        min = min.substr(min.length - 2);
        var second = '00' + date.getSeconds().toString();
        second = second.substr(second.length - 2);
        return hour + ':' + min + ':' + second;
       labels :yLabels,
       hideHover :'auto',
       stacked :true
    <!DOCTYPE html>
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      <script src="//"></script>
      <script src="//"></script>
      <br /><br />
      <div class="container" style="width:900px;">
       <h2 align="center">Morris.js chart with PHP & Mysql</h2>
       <h3 align="center">wachttijd</h3>   
       <br /><br />
       <div id="chart"></div>