I am using DataLab to create several dataframes and subsequent figures. I would like to save these figures to either my computer hard drive or to my Google Cloud Storage.
Normally, I would do the following (I am going through a loop so df.name changes for each graph):
ax_plot.figure.savefig(titles[df.name] + ".png",bbox_inches='tight')
Is there a way to do something similar within DataLab?
Thanks for the help!
Copying to your computer:
You can use gcloud compute copy-files
to copy the files from your Datalab VM to your computer.
Copying to GCS:
The Datalab VM has gsutil
installed by default, so you can do something like gsutil cp <localfile> <gs path>
If you would like to do this programmatically, you can take a look at this sample notebook that shows how to use the built-in GCS APIs.