Background: I am building a picture database to manage all my photos i made. I have a lot of RAW files (negatives) and a lot of JPG-files (copies). Most of the JPG are edited versions of the RAW files but some JPG don‘t have a coressponding RAW file (e.g. I took the photo with a smartphone). Therefore a picture can consist of single JPG file or a JPG and a corresponding RAW file.
I would like to explicitly distinguish 2 cases:
That‘s what my database looks like at the moment:
SELECT * FROM pictures
| p_id | p_complete | p_negative | p_copy |
| 1 | true | 1 | 2 |
| 2 | true | null | 3 |
| 3 | false | null | 4 |
| f_id | f_path |
| 1 | a.raw |
| 2 | a.jpg |
| 3 | b.jpg |
| 4 | c.jpg |
What i want is to build a query to fetch all pictures. The result should be:
| id | complete | negative | copy |
| 1 | true | a.raw | a.jpg |
| 2 | true | null | b.jpg |
| 3 | false | null | c.jpg |
What i tried:
SELECT p_id as id,
p_complete as complete,
f1.f_path as negative,
f2.f_path as copy
FROM pictures as p,
files as f1,
files as f2
WHERE ((f1.f_id = p.p_negative) OR (p.p_negative=null)) AND
f2.f_id = p.p_copy
This result is:
| id | complete | negative | copy |
| 1 | true | a.raw | a.jpg |
what i didn‘t want.
Should I change my design, and if so, how? Or is it possible to write a query which will do want i want?
SELECT a.p_id id, a.p_complete complete, b.f_path negative, c.f_path copy FROM pictures a
left join files b on a.p_negative=b.f_id
left join files c on a.p_copy=c.f_id