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Detecting cycles in a MySQL database using PHP

I have a table in MySQL with two (important) columns, A and B, with value referring to a package. A row is in the table if and only if package A requires on package B.

I was hoping to (1) generate a graph in php, then (2) determine if the graph is acyclic (a DAG), and if not, print (3) all the cycles in the graph.

So 3 is easy enough, in theory, (Johnson's algorithm: ).

(2) can be done by (3) listing no cycles, but I was wondering if there was any faster algorithms.

I'm unsure of (1) - efficiently pulling data from a table and making a graph in php that lends itself to implementing (2) and (3). How should I do so?

As an aside, I also have a second table, also with two columns, having a row if and only if A conflicts with B. I also wanted to (4) find cases (or verify that there are none) where: A requires B, B requires C, but A conflicts with C


  • In the interests of anyone who finds this topic in a search


    $pkgList = array();
    $result = mysqli_query($conn, 'SELECT * FROM `Packages`');
    while (($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) != NULL) {
        $pkgList[] = $row['idPackages'];
    $reqEdgeList = array();
    $conEdgeList = array();
    $result = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM `Dependancies` WHERE `Relationship` = 'Requires'");
    while (($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) != NULL) {
        switch ($row['Relationship']) {
            case 'Requires':
                $reqEdgeList[] = array($row["DependerPackage"], $row["DependeePackage"]);
            case 'Conflicts':
                $conEdgeList[] = array($row["DependerPackage"], $row["DependeePackage"]);

    (2) and (3)

    I ended up using the algorithm here. Basically by removing leaf nodes, you are either left with a (set of) loop(s) or an empty graph.

    $allReqs = $reqEdgeList;
    $noDependanciesCycle = true;
    $searching = true;
    while ($searching) {
        if (empty($pkgList)) {
            $searching = false;
            echo "Req is a DAG\n<br />";
        } else {
            $foundleaf = false;
            $leaf = null;
            foreach ($pkgList as $key => $l) {
                $isLeaf = true;
                foreach ($reqEdgeList as $k => $edge) {
                    if ($edge[0] == $l) {
                        $isLeaf = false;
                if ($isLeaf) {
                    $foundleaf = true;
                    $leaf = $l;
            if ($foundleaf) {
                $pkgList = array_diff($pkgList, array($leaf));
                foreach ($reqEdgeList as $key => $value) {
                    if ($value[1] == $leaf) {
                $reqEdgeList = array_values($reqEdgeList);
            } else {
                $searching = false;
                echo "Req cycle detected\n<br />";
                $noDependanciesCycle = false;
                echo "<br />\n";


    For finding A requires B requires C, but A conflicts with C, I used a depth first search for each conflict, starting from A, looking for C (the conflict).

    $reqEdgeList = $allReqs;
    echo "<br />\n";
    $anyReqConfError = false;
    foreach ($conEdgeList as $endpoints) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
            if ($i == 0) {
                $startPkg = $endpoints[0];
                $endPkg = $endpoints[1];
            } else {
                $startPkg = $endpoints[1];
                $endPkg = $endpoints[0];
            $marked = array();
            foreach ($allPkgs as $pkg) {
                $marked[$pkg] = false;
            $queue = array();
            $queue[] = $startPkg; // enque
            $marked[$startPkg] = true;
            $searching = true;
            $found = false;
            while ($searching) {
                $v = array_shift($queue); // deque (use array_pop for stack (dfs))
                if ($v == $endPkg) {
                    $searching = false;
                    $found = true;
                } else {
                    foreach ($reqEdgeList as $edge) {
                        if ($edge[0] == $v) {
                            $w = $edge[1];
                            if (!$marked[$w]) {
                                $marked[$w] = true;
                                $queue[] = $w;
                if($searching) {
                    $searching = !empty($queue);
            if($found) {
                echo "$startPkg requires $endPkg, but are conflicting [$endpoints[0] $endpoints[1]]\n<br />";
                $anyReqConfError = true;
                $noDependanciesCycle = false;

    I'd appreciate any code review in the comments for this answer