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Angular 6 ngFor list of tables grouped by key

My Angular 6 app needs to displays a list of tables, where a table is a group of chemical analyses of elements of its composition.

Lets say I have a metal alloy A. I perform different compound analyses on it to find its chemical composition: Fe: 0.001%, Cu: 0.042%, etc.

Here is my data source, which is only a typescript file with mocks

import { Certificate } from './certificate';

export const CERTIFICATES: Certificate[] = [
    { serie: '1050 AJ', ident: 'Fe', moy_certified: 0.297 },
    { serie: '1050 AJ', ident: 'Cu', moy_certified: 0.04 },
    { serie: '1050 AJ', ident: 'Mn', moy_certified: 0.0374 }, 
    { serie: 'X332.0 AC', ident: 'V', moy_certified: 0.019 },
    { serie: 'X4002 AA', ident: 'Mn', moy_certified: 0.037 }

I would like to display this data, in HTML using Angular 6, in a list of tables, where each analyses of a series are grouped like this:

Serie: 1050 AJ
| Element | Composition |
|    Fe   |    0.0297   |
|    Cu   |    0.04     |
|    Mn   |    0.0374   |

Serie: X332.0 AC
| Element | Composition |
|    V    |    0.019    |

Serie: X332.0 AC
| Element | Composition |
|    Mn   |    0.037    |

My HTML file for now looks like this

<ul class="cert-result">
    <li *ngFor="let certificate of certificates">

And obviously, this isn't the right way to do it since it makes a table for each elements of my data source.


  • You have to change the data structure.


    your data

    export const CERTIFICATES: Certificate[] = [
        { serie: '1050 AJ', ident: 'Fe', moy_certified: 0.297 },
        { serie: '1050 AJ', ident: 'Cu', moy_certified: 0.04 },
        { serie: '1050 AJ', ident: 'Mn', moy_certified: 0.0374 }, 
        { serie: 'X332.0 AC', ident: 'V', moy_certified: 0.019 },
        { serie: 'X4002 AA', ident: 'Mn', moy_certified: 0.037 }

    Create a method in your component. let say formatedData()

    import { CERTIFICATES } from './certificate';
    class AppComponent {
      objectKey(obj) {
        return Object.keys(obj);
      formatedCerts() {
          return CERTIFICATES.reduce((prev, now) => {
            if (!prev[now.serie]) {
              prev[now.serie] = [];
            return prev;
          }, {});
           Now your data : { "1050 AJ": [ .... ], "X332.0 AC": [...], ... }

    Now in template:

        <ul class="cert-result">
          <li *ngFor="let key of objectKey(formatedCerts())">
                <th>Moy. Certifiée</th>
              <tr *ngFor="let certificate of formatedCerts()[key]">

    If you want to optimize, store the data of formatedCerts() into a variable.