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How Do I Setup SonarQube cfamil.gcov Correctly?

I cannot get coverage reporting to work within SonarQube. I have a C++ project for which I am using the build-wrapper-linux-x86-64 along with the sonar-scanner. The basic static analysis for the source code seems to work but there is nothing about test code coverage reported within SonarQube.

As part of the same workflow I am using lcov and genhtml to make a unit test coverage report, so I am confident that most of the code coverage steps are being correctly executed. When I manually view the .gcov files I can see run counts in the first column, so there is data there.

I have my code organised into modules. The file includes the following:

# List of the module identifiers

# Path is relative to the file. Replace "\" by "/" on Windows.
# This property is optional if sonar.modules is set.

# Existing reports

I would also like to get the unit test results displayed under the Sonar tools. As I am using the CppUTest framework I do not have an xunit or junit test output at present though. This can be dealt with as a separate issue but as I am unable to found much documentation of how to use the cfamily scanner online I do not know if the tests not being listed is relevant.


  • I had forgotten to setup my CI system correctly. The .gcov files did not exist for the job that was running the sonar-scanner. They only existed in the testing job that generated the coverage report. No files in the scanner job mean it cannot make a coverage report.

    When I set the GitLab CI system I am using to keep the .gcov files as artefacts the coverage reporting suddenly started working.

    The .gcov files were generated by a test job and need to be transferred to the sonar-scanner job via the artefact store. This is because GitLab CI does not share a work area between dependent jobs and you have to explicitly say what files must be copied.