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Delete with join - Alias not defined

Upon making a change in my database, I'm to delete some related entries in another table.

I made a custom query in my Repository:

public function removeOptionGc(VarianteEscalier $varianteEscalier) {

    return $em->createQueryBuilder()
              ->delete(VarianteEscalierOptGc::class, "vogc")
              ->join("vogc.gardecorpsOption", "gco")
              ->andWhere("gco.type='option_gc_rampant' OR gco.type='option_gc_etage' OR gco.type='autres'")

When I execute it, I will get the following error:

[Semantical Error] line 0, col 94 near 'gco.type='option_gc_rampant'': Error: 'gco' is not defined.

This is the DQL I get from this query:

DELETE AppBundle\Entity\VarianteEscalierOptGc vogc WHERE vogc.varianteEscalier=:VARIANTE AND (gco.type='option_gc_rampant' OR gco.type='option_gc_etage' OR gco.type='autres')

Any idea as to why join is ignored when I try a delete?


  • From one of the developer of Doctrine itself, the answer is that many vendors do not support JOIN in INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements, and Doctrine does not include features that are not cross-platforms (almost verbatim what he said).

    See full discussion: