I am trying to build calculator using PyQt5 and I get string which I need to evaluate and assign it to a variable so that I can Pass that variable to widgets as an answer . So far I can evaluate the expression but can't assing it . How can I do that ? so far I have following code:-
# this functions gets called when Enter is pressed
def etrp(self):
eqn = self.sender().text() #I get string like '23+4'
eqn1 = "{0} = {1}".format("global x",eqn) #I make it x = 23+4
x = 0
exec(eqn1) # I get error here
#some code .....
When I try to run it without global, it runs without error but x remains 0 and If I ran it like this I get this error:-
qt5ct: using qt5ct plugin
global x = 12+32
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/orayan/Development/Python/Calculator/calculator.py", line 11, in etrp
File "<string>", line 1
global x = 12+32
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
[1] 19185 abort (core dumped) ./main.py
I am very new to python So can't figure out whats going on
global x = 5
is not valid python code.
If you want to assign to a global variable x
, you should write
global x
x = 5
Try changing your code as
global x
eqn1 = "{0} = {1}".format("x",eqn)
x = 0
exec(eqn1, globals())
To modify global variables with exec, you need to use globals() function.
EDIT: Add globals() function.