I'm starting to architect a project with the following requirements:
I'm considering utilizing Mnesia/Erlang as the base platform for this project, but I'd like to know how well it (Mnesia) can handle simultaneous disconnected conflicting operations on the data set.
An illustrative scenario:
To simplify, let's assume that a complete change history is not required (e.g. it's not important that record 1 used to contain ABC or DEF, it's only important that it now contains GHI).
Is this an out-of-the-box (or trivial to implement) capability of Mnesia?
Ulf Wiger had a talk last Erlang Factory in San Francisco (2010) on this topic. You can find his slides here: http://www.erlang-factory.com/upload/item/7/UlfWiger-10minutetalk.pdf
They contains an overview of the problems and also pointers to some source code that might be of use to you.