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Iterator from object with next() and get()

Given an object like this:

Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(sql);

with usage like so:

Set<String> matches = new HashSet<>();
while (matcher.find()) {

I'd like to replace this while loop by something more object-oriented like so:

new Iterator<String>() {
    public boolean hasNext() {
        return matcher.find();

    public String next() {

so that I can easily e.g. make a Stream of matches, stick to using fluent APIs and such.

The thing is, I don't know and can't find a more concise way to create this Stream or Iterator. An anonymous class like above is too verbose for my taste.

I had hoped to find something like IteratorFactory.from(matcher::find, matcher::group) or StreamSupport.of(matcher::find, matcher::group) in the jdk, but so far no luck. I've no doubt libraries like apache commons or guava provide something for this, but let's say I can't use those.

Is there a convenient factory for Streams or Iterators that takes a hasNext/next method combo in the jdk?


  • In java-9 you could do it via:

    Set<String> result = matcher.results()

    In java-8 you would need a back-port for this, taken from Holger's fabulous answer


    There is a single method btw tryAdvance that could incorporate find/group, something like this:

    static class MyIterator extends AbstractSpliterator<String> {
        private Matcher matcher;
        public MyIterator(Matcher matcher) {
            // I can't think of a better way to estimate the size here
            // may be you can figure a better one here
            super(matcher.regionEnd() - matcher.regionStart(), 0);
            this.matcher = matcher;
        public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super String> action) {
            while (matcher.find()) {
                return true;
            return false;

    And usage for example:

    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\d");
    Matcher m = p.matcher("12345");
    Set<String> result = MyIterator(m), false)