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"orion" is undefined when integrating orion editor in dojo

I am new to dojo and I am trying to integrate orion editor(build downloaded from in dojo but I get the error "orion" is undefined. The code looks like below:

  1. HTML file for placing editor <div data-dojo-attach-point="embeddedEditor"></div>

  2. A JS file

    ], function(declare,_WidgetBase,
    codeEditorAmd, _TemplatedMixin,template){
    declare("orionEditor", [_WidgetBase, 
    _TemplatedMixin], {
    templateString: template,
    postCreate: function(){
          var codeEdit = new orion.codeEdit();
            var contents = '';
                codeEdit.create({parent: this.embeddedEditor, contentType: "application/javascript", contents: contents}).
          then(function(editorViewer) {                         
            if (editorViewer.settings) {
                            editorViewer.settings.contentAssistAutoTrigger = true;
                            editorViewer.settings.showOccurrences = true;
  3. The orion editor build is placed in editorBuild folder.

Standalone orion works fine - When integrating with dojo I am not sure why orion is undefined. Any help would be much appreciated.


  • If you want using orion name in amd module then it has to be defined as parameter in function passed as require's callback.

    Check this guide - it has 2 solutions for using orion with amd modules.

    Option 1 - define bundles once and use shorter name in all modules you need them:

        bundles: {
            "editorBuild/code_edit/built-codeEdit-amd": ["orion/codeEdit", "orion/Deferred"]
        ["orion/codeEdit", "orion/Deferred"], 
        function(mCodeEdit, Deferred) {
            var codeEdit = new mCodeEdit();
            var contents = 'var foo = "bar";'; 
            codeEdit.create({parent: "embeddedEditor"/*editor parent node id*/})
                    .then(function(editorViewer) {
                        editorViewer.setContents(contents, "application/javascript");

    Option 2 - nested require:

    require(["editorBuild/code_edit/built-codeEdit-amd"], function() {
        require(["orion/codeEdit", "orion/Deferred"], function(mCodeEdit, Deferred) {
        var codeEdit = new mCodeEdit();
        var contents = 'var foo = "bar";'; 
        codeEdit.create({parent: "embeddedEditor"/*editor parent node id*/})
                .then(function(editorViewer) {
                    editorViewer.setContents(contents, "application/javascript");

    Note: you can replace mCodeEdit with any unique name (That wouldn't shadow other objects/modules)