In general you use flexforms
to offer custom TYPO3 plugin settings. So I've setup the following lines in my ext_tables.php:
// ...
// Flexform
$GLOBALS['TCA']['tt_content']['types']['list']['subtypes_addlist']['dscontrolpanel_entitymodullist'] = 'pi_flexform';
and start a little test flexform just to test it (flexform_dscontrolpanel.xml):
<sheetTitle>Test 1</sheetTitle>
<label>Test 2</label>
<items type="array">
<numIndex index="1" type="array">
<numIndex index="0">enabled</numIndex>
<numIndex index="1">1</numIndex>
After that I cleared both the TYPO3 cache and the PHP opcode cache. But nothing happens in my FE Plugin form. Is there a new way in TYPO3 7.6+ to add custom settings to TYPO3 FE plugins or do I just miss something?
I think you have build wrong the plugin siganture.
instead of dscontrolpanel_entitymodullist
// ...
// Flexform vv
$GLOBALS['TCA']['tt_content']['types']['list']['subtypes_addlist']['dscontrolpanel_dsentitymodullist'] = 'pi_flexform';
// vv