Trying to make magrittr pinping
function more graceful and readable. However, the best I can do about this is as following. How can I improve it? Please find the referential code, and advise. Thanks
DF <- data.frame(a=letters[1:10], b=1L:10L, c=1.01:1.10, d=rep(TRUE,10), e=10L:1L)
cols <- lapply(DF,class) %>% unlist()
cols[which(cols %in% c("integer","numeric"))]
# b c e
#"integer" "numeric" "integer"
# yet, I'd still like to get rid of the variables.
the best I can do in piping is like this. Tried with %$%
, but failed.
(lapply(DF,class) %>% unlist)[
which(lapply(DF,class) %>% unlist() =="integer" |
lapply(DF,class) %>% unlist() =="numeric")]
can I make it something like this?
lapply(DF,class) %>% unlist %$% .[which(. %in% c("integer","numeric"))]
# of course, it doesn't work
We could use Filter
from base R
to remove those columns with class integer
or numeric
Filter(function(x) !class(x) %in% c("integer", "numeric"), DF)
For keeping those variables
Filter(function(x) class(x) %in% c("integer", "numeric"), DF)
Or using the %>%
, get the class
of the columns with map
, check whether it is %in%
, 'integer' or 'numeric', negate (!
- only if we need to remove those variables) and magrittr::extract
the columns based on the logical index
map_chr(DF, class) %>%
`%in%`(c("integer", "numeric")) %>%
#`!` %>% #in case to remove those columns
extract(DF, .)
Or with discard
to remove the columns
discard(DF, ~class(.x) %in% c("integer", "numeric"))
or keep
to keep the columns
keep(DF, ~ class(.x) %in% c("integer", "numeric"))