I have a database that contains the data as in the following picture
This database is outdated and may not be modified by anyone ( Collation [rows] or Collation [databases])
When you link the database to a new standalone program through Visual Basic 2015 to use some data from the database, the following format appears as in the picture...
What I want is to display the content of the database to change the (ãßÇÆä æÂáÇÊ) sentence to the default language which is Arabic.
I hope to find a solution through the Visual Basic code and not through the amendment to the database.
Thanks to all
The problem has been solved in the process of converting the encoding characters by the following code:
Private Function conv1256(ByVal txt As String) As String
Dim dic As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
Const _1256 As String = "ÐÏÌÍÎåÚÛÝÞËÕÖØßãäÊÇáÈíÓÔÙÒæÉìÑÄÁÆøºÅñõðó¡ÜÃòö¿Âú"
Const _utf8 As String = "ذدجحخهعغفقثصضطكمنتالبيسشظزوةىرؤءئّ؛إًٌَُ،ـأٍِ؟آْ"
For i = 0 To (_1256.Length) - 1
dic.Add(_1256.Chars(i), _utf8.Chars(i))
Next i
For Each ch In txt
conv1256 &= If(dic.ContainsKey(ch), dic.Item(ch), ch)
End Function
To be used this way:
MsgBox(conv1256("ÈÓãö Çááå ÇáÑøÍãä ÇáÑøÍíã"))
Good luck and thank you all