In some datasets, I sometimes observe fixed flux ratios which I would like to incorporate into my simulations. How could I do this in CBMPy?
For example, I have the model from here and would now like to constrain the ratio of succinate efflux and pyruvate efflux to 2.0. I know how to set constraints on individual reactions:
import cbmpy
# downloaded from
ecoli = cbmpy.CBRead.readSBML3FBC('e_coli_core.xml')
ecoli.setReactionBounds('R_EX_pyr_e', 1.0, 1000.0)
ecoli.setReactionBounds('R_EX_succ_e', 2.0, 1000.0)
# solve the model
# get all reaction values
solution = ecoli.getReactionValues()
For this case the ratio is correct, but how can I add it as a constraint that it will be fulfilled for all conditions?
That is indeed a common approach in Flux Balance Analysis (FBA) and you can use the function addUserConstraint
to accomplish this.
The entire code sample could look like this (explanation below):
import cbmpy as cbm
# downloaded from
ecoli = cbm.CBRead.readSBML3FBC('e_coli_core.xml')
# make a clone of the original model
ecoli_ratio = ecoli.clone()
# add the desired user constraint; explanation follows below
ecoli_ratio.addUserConstraint("pyr_succ_ratio", fluxes=[(1.0, 'R_EX_pyr_e' ),(-0.5, 'R_EX_succ_e')], operator='=', rhs=0.0)
# now we have to set only one flux bound; if you think it is naturally excreted, this step is not needed
ecoli_ratio.setReactionBounds('R_EX_succ_e', 4.0, cbm.INF)
solution = ecoli_ratio.getReactionValues()
print("{}: {}".format("succinate excretion rate", solution['R_EX_succ_e']))
print("{}: {}".format("pyruvate excretion rate", solution['R_EX_pyr_e']))
This will print
succinate excretion rate: 4.0
pyruvate excretion rate: 2.0
As you can see the ratio is 2.0
as desired.
Bit more explanation:
The constraint is
J_succ / J_pyr = 2.0
which can be rewritten to
J_succ = 2.0 J_pyr
and finally
J_pyr - 0.5 J_succ = 0
That's exactly what we pass to fluxes
in addUserConstraint
fluxes=[(1.0, 'R_EX_pyr_e' ),(-0.5, 'R_EX_succ_e')], operator='=', rhs=0.0)
You can check the user defined constraints by printing:
{'pyr_succ_ratio': {'operator': 'E', 'rhs': 0.0, 'fluxes': [(1.0, 'R_EX_pyr_e'), (-0.5, 'R_EX_succ_e')]}}
As this is a dictionary you can delete the constraint by simply doing:
del ecoli_ratio.user_constraints['pyr_succ_ratio']
but I highly recommend to create a clone everytime you introduce major changes to a model.