I have a set of data which I am interpolating with kind = 'cubic'
I would like to find the maximum of this cubic interpolation function.
Currently what I am doing is just find the maximum value in the array of interpolated data, but I was wondering whether the interpolated function, as an object, can be differentiated to find its extrema?
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x_axis = np.array([ 2.14414414, 2.15270826, 2.16127238, 2.1698365 , 2.17840062, 2.18696474, 2.19552886, 2.20409298, 2.2126571 , 2.22122122])
y_axis = np.array([ 0.67958442, 0.89628424, 0.78904004, 3.93404167, 6.46422317, 6.40459954, 3.80216674, 0.69641825, 0.89675386, 0.64274198])
f = interp1d(x_axis, y_axis, kind = 'cubic')
x_new = np.linspace(x_axis[0], x_axis[-1],100)
fig = plt.subplots()
plt.plot(x_new, f(x_new))
The derivative of a cubic spline is a quadratic spline. SciPy only has a built-in method to find the roots of a cubic spline. So there are two approaches:
I describe both solutions below.
Use InterpolatedUnivariateSpline.which had .derivative
method returning a cubic spline, to which .roots
method can be applied.
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
f = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(x_axis, y_axis, k=4)
cr_pts = f.derivative().roots()
cr_pts = np.append(cr_pts, (x_axis[0], x_axis[-1])) # also check the endpoints of the interval
cr_vals = f(cr_pts)
min_index = np.argmin(cr_vals)
max_index = np.argmax(cr_vals)
print("Maximum value {} at {}\nMinimum value {} at {}".format(cr_vals[max_index], cr_pts[max_index], cr_vals[min_index], cr_pts[min_index]))
Maximum value 6.779687224066201 at 2.1824928509277037
Minimum value 0.34588448400295346 at 2.2075868177297036
We need a custom function for the roots of a quadratic spline. Here it is (explained below).
def quadratic_spline_roots(spl):
roots = []
knots = spl.get_knots()
for a, b in zip(knots[:-1], knots[1:]):
u, v, w = spl(a), spl((a+b)/2), spl(b)
t = np.roots([u+w-2*v, w-u, 2*v])
t = t[np.isreal(t) & (np.abs(t) <= 1)]
roots.extend(t*(b-a)/2 + (b+a)/2)
return np.array(roots)
Now proceed exactly as above, except for using the custom solver.
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
f = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(x_axis, y_axis, k=3)
cr_pts = quadratic_spline_roots(f.derivative())
cr_pts = np.append(cr_pts, (x_axis[0], x_axis[-1])) # also check the endpoints of the interval
cr_vals = f(cr_pts)
min_index = np.argmin(cr_vals)
max_index = np.argmax(cr_vals)
print("Maximum value {} at {}\nMinimum value {} at {}".format(cr_vals[max_index], cr_pts[max_index], cr_vals[min_index], cr_pts[min_index]))
Maximum value 6.782781181150518 at 2.1824928579767167
Minimum value 0.45017143148176136 at 2.2070746522580795
The slight discrepancy with the output in the first method is not a bug; the 4th degree spline and 3rd degree spline are a little different.
Suppose we know the values of a quadratic polynomial at -1, 0, 1 are u, v, w. What are its roots on the interval [-1, 1]? With some algebra we can find that the polynomial is
((u+w-2*v) * x**2 + (w-u) * x + 2*v) / 2
Now the quadratic formula can be used, but it's better to use np.roots
because it will also handle the case of leading coefficient being zero. The roots are then filtered to real numbers between -1 to 1. Finally, if the interval is some [a, b] instead of [-1, 1], a linear transformation is made.
Suppose we want to find where the spline takes the value equal to the average of its maximum and minimum (i.e., its midrange). Then we should definitely use the cubic spline for interpolation, because the roots
method will now be needed for it. One can't just do (f - mid_range).roots()
, as the addition of a constant to a spline is not supported in SciPy. Instead, build a shifted down spline from y_axis - mid_range
mid_range = (cr_vals[max_index] + cr_vals[min_index])/2
f_shifted = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(x_axis, y_axis - mid_range, k=3)
roots = f_shifted.roots()
print("Mid-range attained from {} to {}".format(roots.min(), roots.max()))
Mid-range attained from 2.169076230034363 to 2.195974299834667