I'm developing this cordova app which is required to save some data locally in case there is no internet connection available. This dataset also contains images in the form of a base64 string. Turns out I can roughly create about 7-8 items before my localstorage starts running out.
There seems to be a 5MB limit on almost all of the local storage techniques for mobile safari. After doing some googleing I couldn't find much concrete information on how to bypass this limit, as some apps are reported to have found a way around this restriction.
I'm currently using key value storage with that comes with Quasar Framework. (https://quasar-framework.org/components/web-storage.html) I'd love to keep using their API but if it's necessary I could always change some storage related code.
Is there a way to increase the size? I've ready about prompting the user for a storage increase but it's not explained anywhere specifically.
I had the same problem some time ago and i found no solution for localstorage.
This article is interesting if you want more details about localstorage and its limits : https://www.raymondcamden.com/2015/04/14/blowing-up-localstorage-or-what-happens-when-you-exceed-quota
To exceed this limit, I used IndexedDB which allows me to store much more data and especially to better store them.
Raymond CAMDEN has written a very interesting article that will guide you : https://www.raymondcamden.com/2015/04/17/indexeddb-and-limits
If you want to use IDB but are afraid of its complexity, there is Dexie.js which simplifies its use : http://dexie.org/