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iOS Universal Links: Ignore path with parameters

I can't get iOS Universal Links to accept one kind of path but ignore another quite similar one. Paths that I want to open in my app look like this: /details/123567, paths that I want to ignore look like this: /details?search=123456.

At first, I whitelisted /details/* but that opened both kind of links. Adding NOT /details?query=* prevented all links from opening. I've read that path parameters are ignored.

  "applinks": {
    "apps": [],
    "details": [
        "appID": "a.b.c",
        "paths": [ "NOT /details?search=*", "/details/*"]

Is there a way to successfully distinguish between both kinds of paths?


  • I've managed to fix it:

      "applinks": {
        "apps": [],
        "details": [
            "appID": "a.b.c",
            "paths": [ "NOT /details/", "/details/*"]