I have an item in Template A
and would like to have a trigger for only a subset of hosts that have the Template A
configured for them.
I would not like to create the trigger on Template A
and manually disable it for the hosts I don't need it for (I have too many hosts, might need additional triggers, might need to fine-tune (that re-enables them)), so I created Template B
and assigned to the hosts I'd like to have the new trigger.
I tried to...
create a trigger with expression {Template B:item}>value
, but Zabbix complained that Template B
has no such item (which is true if only considering this template but Template A
is also assigned to all hosts). And I cannot create the item in Template B
as it conflicts with the other.
create a trigger on Template B
and reference the item in Template A
, but the trigger moved to Template A
and got applied to all hosts.
create a macro for Template B
, assigned it to the hosts I need, and added a new trigger to Template A
with expression {$MACRO_NAME}=1 and {Template A:item}>limit
What is the proper solution for this case?
(If it matters, the server and hosts are running Zabbix version 3.2.1 and Debian Linux.)
You can use Macro. define a macro in your template and change value of this according of host.
you can change value of macro with zabbix api.