I have an environment with Oracle WebLogic and OHS running.
In the mod_wl_ohs.conf I have following (beside config for other applications)
<Location /application1>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WLLogFile /opt/logs/ application1.log
Debug OFF
WebLogicPort 23666
This works fine the and the server listening to 23666 with the actual application1 application is handling the requests like “http://example.com/application1/*” .
Now I would like to redirect all requests for specific URL pattern to a different domain (not necessary on the same server), but continuing handling all requests others.
Redirect: http://example.com/application1/MagicKeyword/*
continue on: http://example.com/application1/NotTheKeyword*
or http://example.com/application1/AlsoNotKeyword/*
What is the right approach for that?
I played around with some mod_rewrite rules, it seems they don’t take affect or break everything (in httpd.conf). I was also reading that we should not use mod_rewrite rules inside of location tag (can't find the reference now).
What else can I do?
Edit: So finally I found my error (somehow wrong syntax which not prevented the server from starting (like usual).
So I could: in httpd.conf
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule "(.*)/application1/MagicKeyword/(.*)$" "https://www.example.org" [NC,L,R=301]
or in the Location tag add:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule "(.*)/MagicKeyword/(.*)$" "https://www.example.org" [NC,L,R=301]
Why should I prefer one over the other? Is there anything to concern about?
Two other options you can consider. You can use the order of location tags:
<Location /application1/MagicKeyword>
WebLogicHost otherhost
<Location /application1>
You can tell WebLogic to exclude a path (see https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/1212/webtier/PLGWL/plugin_params.htm#PLGWL473):
<Location /application1>
WLExcludePathOrMimeType /application1/MagicKeyword
<Location /application1>
WebLogicHost otherhost