I'm sending a string value from my vc2 to vc1 through UserDefaults
. But when I move back to vc1 from vc2 through back button the value doesn't update. I'm getting value in vc1 in viewWillAppear
method. But my value does not update. I navigate from vc1 to vc2 through push method.
This is how i stored the value in user default in vc2,
cartItems = cartItems + 1
let badgeCount = String(cartItems)
let rightBarButton = self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem
let badge = String(badgeCount)
rightBarButton?.addBadge(text: badge)
UserDefaults.standard.set(badgeCount, forKey: "cartsItems")
and in vc1 i get like this in viewWillAppear delegate,
let count = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "cartsItems")
When i come back to vc1 from vc2 through back button value never update and when i call some other vc and than call again vc1 it gets update. How can i update value at that time?
Well, the proper way to do this is with a simple delegate protocol to transfer data from one VC2
to another VC1
Below are the steps how to work with the protocol
In VC2
` do the following steps.
Just above your class declaration declare your delegate.
protocol MyDelegate:class {
func sendDataBack(value: Int)
In class
declare a weak variable
of your delegate
weak var myDelegateObj: MyDelegate?
and when you dismiss the VC
just call the delegate with line
myDelegateObj?.sendDataBack(value: yourIntegrerValue)
Now go to your VC1
and go to the line where you have pushed VC1
to VC2
and do the following.
vc2.myDelegateObj = self // vc2 is VC2 objcet
and implement the method your delegate in the VC1
func sendDataBack(value: Int) {
Hope this helps.