When I used the select_tag helper, everything was working perfect with:
<%= select_tag :district_id, options_from_collection_for_select(districts, "id", "title", prompt: "All"), { class: "select", id: "district" } %>
But I can't handle the select helper. Tried changing these ways:
1) <%= form.select :district_id, options_from_collection_for_select(districts, "id", "title", prompt: "All"), html_options: { class: "select_inside_col", id: "locality" } %>
2) <%= form.select :district_id, options_from_collection_for_select(districts, "id", "title", prompt: "All"), html: { class: "select_inside_col", id: "locality" } %>
3) <%= form.select :district_id, options_from_collection_for_select(districts, "id", "title", prompt: "All"), class: "select_inside_col", id: "locality" %>
The result is always the same - it ignores html options(<select name="district_id" id="district_id">
), however, options_from_collection_for_select work fine.
What's the trick?
Try this as per the documentation here:
<%= form.select :district_id, districts.map { |d| [d.title, d.id] }, { include_blank: "All" }, { class: "select_inside_col", id: "locality" } %>
Note, it takes the collection of districts as 2nd argument directly (not wrapped in options_from_collection_for_select