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Pop TWORD variable from FPU stack in TASM

I am writing a program in Turbo Assembler which gets a number from console, calculate another number based on it, and prints result onto console.

I have done conversion from string to floating-point number and back through subprograms (I do not think it really matters, just in case). However, I have problem. I have to work with LONG DOUBLE (TWORD, DT) numbers, and I just can not do it! I can do it with DOUBLE (QWORD, DQ) and FLOAT (DWORD, DD) numbers, but no way with TWORD. Okay, just the code (I pass argument through stack, just in case):

locals  __


string_to_float proc near
arg     __ARGS:word:4 = __ARGSIZE

    __ARG struc
        __BP        dw ?
        __IP        dw ?
        __STRING    dw ? ; string address
        __DT        dw ? ; LONG DOUBLE number address
    __ARG ends


    mov BX, __DT[BP]
    fstp tword ptr [BX]


When assembling, TASM says:

Undefined symbol: TWORD

Argument needs type override

It points to the very last line of the code I have given here.

There is no problem if I do it, for example, with DOUBLE number, like this:

locals  __


string_to_float proc near
arg     __ARGS:word:4 = __ARGSIZE

    __ARG struc
        __BP        dw ?
        __IP        dw ?
        __STRING    dw ?
        __DQ        dw ? ; DOUBLE number address
    __ARG ends


    mov BX, __DQ[BP]
    fstp qword ptr [BX]


What can be done here? I have searched for different names for TWORD, but I have only found, well, TWORD and DT, which I have already known.



    In the end checking TD disassembly did help most, even checking the quick reference guide and fstp instruction examples was not enough, the example is wrong there and I overlooked the tbyte ptr defined at page 12 in "Turbo Assembler 5.0 Quick Reference Guide":

    TBYTE PTR expression | Ideal, MASM

    Forces address expression to be 10-byte size