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Display something else than username in Cognito Built-In Sign-In Page

In AWS Cognito, username is unique and cannot be changed, that's why I'm using it with an internal auto-generated ID. Most of Cognito API requests like adminGetUser only uses username as the user identifier.

And this is recommended by AWS:

If your application does not require a username, you do not need to ask users to provide one. Your app can create a unique username for users in the background. This is useful if, for example, you want users to register and sign in with an email address and password.

Everything is working nicely, but I've got problems with the Cognito Built-in Sign-in page:

Gognito Sign-In

This page is intended to be viewed by the end user, and it is displaying username, which I'm using as an internal ID 🤔

The Built-in Sign-in page can be customized but only CSS and logo, I cannot see any option to display preferred_username or email instead of username.

Is there a way? A workaround for my use case? Am I using Cognito the wrong way?


  • It's finally working with preferred_username

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    The only thing is that the really first time username is used instead of preferred_username 🤔

    Gognito Sign-In

    Probably an AWS bug