I'm trying to replicate an Excel solver model in R. It's a simple problem to start looking to maximize points with the only constraint being limited the number events than can be played. So I have a two column data frame with a tournament number and project points. In Excel we have a Play Yes/no binary column and multiply it by the points and set to maximize, allowing the model to change the Play Yes/No column to 0 or 1. The constraint limits the sum of the play yes/no variable to the constraint value, for example 25.
maxevents <-25
con <- rep(1,nrow(aggdata))
dir <- c("==")
rhs <- maxevents
result <- lp("max", obj, con, dir, rhs, all.bin = TRUE)
The result looks at only 3 rows of the data frame and it should look at the top 25. Eventually, I'll add additional constraints as I know lp is not required for this simple example, but need to get past this roadblock first.
#objective function
obj <- rep(1, nrow(aggdata))
con <- matrix(c(obj <- rep(1, nrow(aggdata)),
as.vector(aggdata$point)), nrow = 2, byrow = T) #you can add another constraints here and make 'nrow' equals to number of total constraints
dir <- c("==", "<=")
rhs <- c(25, #total number of tournament
1000) #let's assume that total points can't exceeds 1000
#optimization solution
result <- lp ("max", obj, con, dir, rhs, all.bin=TRUE)
Sample data:
aggdata <- data.frame(tournament = rep(1:48,1),
point = c(12.2,30.4,30.9,44.1,31.3,27.6,31.5,25.0,31.2,24.0,28.0,23.9,14.1,
# tournament point
#1 1 12.2
#2 2 30.4
#3 3 30.9
#4 4 44.1
#5 5 31.3
#6 6 27.6