I use a C++ app to synchronyze data between two PHP servers.
My first server is local, my C++ app call a webservice on that server to get an object to synchronyze. Then, my C++ app use another webservice to send it on my Cloud PHP server.
So my Object is a soap object defined strictly identically on my two php server.
However, for my C++ apps, these two object are not the same (or at least with a different namespace), so Y can't compile the following line:
soapErrorCode = cloudWebService.action(myLocalObject);
//C++ is waiting for an object of type myCloudObject, even if these two object have the same attributes
My soap objects and Webservice definition are defined in my C++ with help of gSoap.
I see different solution, but not sure which is the best:
In my opinion two possible variants are:
to myCloudObject
and from from myCloudObject
to myLocalObject
and myCloudObject
and work through its pointer.