I am stuck with a problem with leaflet.
I want to plot flight routes (already done with gcIntermediate) but i want to colour the routes based on a factor variable (Status:cancelled,delayed).
I would want delayed routes colored with blue and the cancelled ones with red
my R code:
gcIntermediate(coord1[,c(1,2)], coord1[,c(3,4)],
sp=TRUE) %>%
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
setView(-100,38, zoom = 4.49) %>%
addPolylines(color="red") %>%
where coord1 is a dataframe with: the latitudes and logitudes of two cities and the factor variable(status).
coord1 <- data.frame("Longitud1" = c(-84.42694,-82.42694,-104.66700),
And the answer is:
colores<-function(df){ color<-c() for( i in 1: nrow(coord1)){ if (df$estado[i]=="Cancelled") { color<-c(color,"red") }else{ color<-c(color,"orange") } } return(color) }
gcIntermediate(coord1[,c(1,2)], coord1[,c(3,4)], n=100, addStartEnd=TRUE, sp=TRUE) %>% leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>% setView(-100,38, zoom = 4.49) %>% addPolylines(color=colores(coord1)) %>%