I've inherited an MS Access project and I'm trying to make changes to some of the forms. However, when I open the file in MS Access 2016, I'm not able to see the navigation menu, top ribbon, or the edit design in order to make any changes. I've searched that there are several ways to bypass this but also found out that each one of them can be disallowed by the developer. If each one can be disallowed, how would another developer make changes?
Below is what I've tried:
Are there any other ways for me to view edit, navigation, ribbon menus on this access database so that I can make changes to it?
Yes, you can easily bypass such "security" measures using OLE automation.
Use the following code from another Access database (or VBA application)
Public Sub UnlockAccess()
Dim pathToFile As String
pathToFile = "C:\Path\To\My\File.accdb"
Dim db As DAO.Database
Set db = DBEngine.OpenDatabase(pathToFile)
'Set some restrictive properties back to normal
On Error Resume Next
db.Properties!StartUpShowStatusBar = True
db.Properties!AllowFullMenus = True
db.Properties!AllowShortcutMenus = True
db.Properties!AllowBuiltInToolbars = True
db.Properties!AllowSpecialKeys = True
db.Properties!AllowToolbarChanges = True
db.Properties!AllowByPassKey = True
On Error GoTo 0
Stop 'You can open up the database using the shift bypass key here, and enable whatever you want'
Dim app As New Access.Application
app.OpenCurrentDatabase pathToFile
app.Visible = True
app.UserControl = True
app.DoCmd.SelectObject acTable, , True
End Sub
An alternate way to modify security is to modify the restrictive VBA code. If you can't open the editor directly from the file, you can open another file, set a reference to the file you want to modify, and modify it from there.