i want to show interstitial ad when someone download my app's image in webView , now when user download the image pop up shows that image downloaded completely with ok , i want to show interstitial Ad when user click on that ok button , this is my pop up code
registerReceiver(downloadListener, new IntentFilter(DownloadManager.ACTION_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE));
BroadcastReceiver downloadListener = new BroadcastReceiver(){
public void onReceive(Context ct, Intent intent){
new MaterialDialog.Builder(this)
.title("Download Completed")
.content("Download Successfully Completed")
First implement the positive button click listener like this and then you can write your code for ad in that listener
new MaterialDialog.Builder(this)
.onPositive(new MaterialDialog.SingleButtonCallback() {
public void onClick(MaterialDialog dialog, DialogAction which) {
// here you can write the code for showing ads