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I want to respond to a twilio SMS with a simple text and at the same time forward the SMS to some emailId

Configured a webhook URL which calls the below code :::

String body = request.getParameter("Body");
    String fromNumber = request.getParameter("From");
    String message;
    Message sms = new Message.Builder().body(new Body(message)).build();
    // Create a TwiML response and add our friendly message.
    MessagingResponse twiml = new MessagingResponse.Builder().message(sms).build();
    try {
        return twiml.toXml();
        final TwilioEmailContextDTO twilioEmailContextDTO = new TwilioEmailContextDTO();

Q1 : Does String fromNumber = request.getParameter("From"); give me the from number.

Q2 : Also I am getting the The constructor Body(String) is undefined" compilation error.

Q3 : I am using conventional Hybris way to forward the SMS as a mail(using emailService), do we have a twilio way of doing it?

update with code

{ Please have a look at the method I am using. Using Spring, annotations.

@RequestMapping(value = "/twilioReply", method = RequestMethod.POST)  
public void TwilioReplies(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {  
    String body = request.getParameter("Body");   
    String fromNumber = request.getParameter("From");  
    String messageBody = this.configurationService.getConfiguration().getString(TWILIO_REPLY);  
    Body smsBody = new Body.Builder(messageBody).build();  
    Message message = new Message.Builder().body(smsBody).build();  
    // Create a TwiML response and add our message.  
    MessagingResponse twiml = new MessagingResponse.Builder().message(message).build();  
    try {  
    } catch (TwiMLException e) {  
        LOG.error("Exception Occured while twiml Email :",e);  


  • Twilio developer evangelist here.

    A1: The From parameter is the one that Twilio sends for the number that sent the message. So yes, request.getParameter("From") should be that number.

    A2: the Body is also built, as in this example in the documentation:

    Body body = new Body.Builder("Store Location: 123 Easy St.").build();
    Message message = new Message.Builder().body(body).build();

    A3: Twilio has no opinions about how you send emails on your own server. If that is working for you, then go for it!