I'm programming a game in pygame in which you place soldiers and they fight. After they are done fighting, I want the screen to return to where it was before the battle started. I want to copy a the pygame.sprite.Group object containing the soldiers using copy.deepcopy() like so:
oldRUnits = copy.deepcopy(RedUnits)
oldBUnits = copy.deepcopy(BlueUnits)
However, I found out that pygame.sprite.Groups don't like to be deepcopied. It just raises pygame.error. I tried deepcopying each pygame.sprite.Sprite object in the group individually like so:
oldRUnits = []
oldBUnits = []
for i in RedUnits:
for i in BlueUnits:
However, they don't like to be deepcopied either so I'm stuck. I want to know if there is a way to copy this and if there is a better way to achieve my goal. Thanks!
I think I have a solution to my problem. Instead of
oldRUnits = []
oldBUnits = []
for i in RedUnits:
for i in BlueUnits:
I could write
oldRUnits = []
oldBUnits = []
for i in RedUnits:
for i in BlueUnits: