I currently have
which gives the output of the info icon with the color filled. However, I just want the outline of the icon. How do I do that?
The icon I want is https://material.io/tools/icons/?icon=info&style=outline instead of https://material.io/tools/icons/?icon=info&style=baseline
The general idea is that some of the icons aren't imported by default, and need to be targeted from a different library.
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Material+Icons|Material+Icons+Outlined|Material+Icons+Two+Tone|Material+Icons+Round|Material+Icons+Sharp" rel="stylesheet">
You're looking for <mat-icon>info_outline</mat-icon>
You can use this same template for any item that has an outline image, but don't attempt to use it for objects that are the same for filled/outlined.
e.g. <mat-icon>label</mat-icon><mat-icon>label_outline</mat-icon>