I'm trying to use the globalize
gem and search_cop
together. In my model I have:
class Museum < ApplicationRecord
include SearchCop
has_one_attached :hero_image
translates :name, :address, :description, :facilities, :hours, :tickets
search_scope :search do
attributes :name, :address
options :name, :type => :fulltext
options :address, :type => :fulltext
But when I go to search I get:
irb(main):006:0> Museum.search("art")
SearchCop::UnknownAttribute: Unknown attribute museums.name
Is it possible to use Globalize and SearchCop together? if so, how do I specify the translated fields to search on?
To use Globalize with SearchCop you need to define the translated attributes through their association. So something like:
search_scope :search do
attributes name: "translations.name", address: "translations.address"
options :name, :type => :fulltext
options :address, :type => :fulltext