In this code, I make list of days and then make an enumerate object from it. When I convert this to a list I get an expected result.
What is happening to the my_enumerate_object when I do
The second time I get an empty list? Is this garbage collection in operation?
my_list = ["Monday",
my_enumerate_object = enumerate(my_list)
# I can make a list from my_enumerate_object
[(0, 'Monday'),
(1, 'Tuesday'),
(2, 'Wednesday'),
(3, 'Thursday'),
(4, 'Friday'),
(5, 'Saturday'),
(6, 'Sunday')]
# but not again
Out[15]: []
Iterating through the enumeration object, as the list constructor does, consumes the enumeration object. Constructing a second list in the same way will require a new enumeration object.