I need some help with a script that grabs info from whois
to display the creation, expiry date and ns server of specific domain names.
cat domain-file.txt | while read line ; do
lLine="$(echo $line | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')"
echo "$lLine\t" >> table.csv;
sleep 3
echo "\n$lLine"
created=$(whois -h $host $lLine | egrep -i 'created:')
echo "$created\t" >> table.csv
sleep 2
expire=$(whois -h $host $lLine | egrep -i 'Expiry Date:')
echo "$expire\t" >> table.csv
sleep 2
nserver=$(whois -h $host $lLine | egrep -i 'nserver:')
echo "$nserver\t" >> table.csv
echo "------------------------------------------" >> table.csv
Everything is working well except that I'm trying to display the result of my grep
command in a table like this:
Domain Created Date Expiry date NS
abcd.com 19/01/2018 19/01/2019 ns.abcd.com ns2.abcd.com
1234.com 19/01/2018 19/01/2019 ns.1234.com ns2.1234.com
Instead I'm getting an output like that:
Created date: 19/01/2018
Expiry date: 19/01/2019
nserver: ns.abcd.com
nserver: ns2.abcd.com
Created date: 19/01/2018
Expiry date: 19/01/2019
nserver: ns.1234.com
nserver: ns2.1234.com
I have tried many ways with sed
and awk
but I always get messy table.
I'm pretty new with shell script so If anyone can help with this it would be much appreciated.
Try something like this... Edit for your needs.
{ # opening a brace to collect and control I/O
typeset -l line created expire ns # preset to lowercase
# controlled width header
printf "%-20s%-25s%-25sNS\n" Domain "Create Date" "Expiry Date"
while read line # downcases as it loads
do # only read each domain once. Save and reuse.
typeset -u data=$(whois $line) # this one upcases
# %-14s is a 14 wide left-adjusted string
printf "%-20s" "$line"
# use a regex to account for variation in server output
created=$( echo "$data" | egrep 'CREAT[^:]*:' ) # no -i needed
printf "%-25s" "${created#*: }" # autotrim labels
expire=$( echo "$data" | egrep 'EXPIR[^:]*:' ) # regex again
printf "%-25s" "${expire#*: }" # autotrim
echo "$data" | egrep 'N[^:]*SERVER:' | # outputs multiple
while read ns # loop them
do printf "${ns#*: } " # to easily autotrim
printf "\n" # and end the line
# now close the brace and define your stdin & stdout
} < domain-file.txt > table.csv
Instead of "Created" I was getting "Creation". Sometimes Expiry in Expire or expiration. Find the simplest common data that gets what you need and doesn't give false positives. You could also use egrep 'EXPIR(Y|E|ATION)[^:]*:'
or some such; extended regexes are your friend.
Using domain-file.txt
this gives me
Domain Create Date Expiry Date NS
yahoo.com 1995-01-18t05:00:00z 2023-01-19t05:00:00z ns1.yahoo.com ns2.yahoo.com ns3.yahoo.com ns4.yahoo.com ns5.yahoo.com
google.com 1997-09-15t04:00:00z 2020-09-14t04:00:00z ns1.google.com ns2.google.com ns3.google.com ns4.google.com
I took the host var out; put yours back in as required. Cheers. :)