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Update titanium app - Invalid "--pp-uuid" value

I have to update an old project that was developed with titanium, but after a long time of researching I am not able to even run it in my device. That is why I have decided ask for help here.

The error message that I am getting is:

[ERROR] :  Invalid "--pp-uuid" value "0ca5b889-29b7-49f0-816b-29ec40783b84"
For help, run: titanium.js help build

I have read in another post in stackoverflow: Appcelerator [ERROR] : Invalid "--pp-uuid" after provisioning certificate update that I have to look at Run Configurations and change provisions there to make sure have green check all.

That is done: enter image description here

But I am still getting the error with the uuid, if I try to change the app id the I am getting the "Select Provisioning Profile" red, so I also can not run it. Thoughts in what I can do?


  • I was able to solve the problem: First I deleted all the provisions profiles, to make sure I am not using an old one:

    rm  ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/* 

    Then I created a new certificate and a new provision profile linked to the certificate and the app id in the Apple membership account. And I download it an open, to be stored in the computer.

    Now I clean and run the project again with the command line:

    appc ti clean
    appc run -p ios -T device.

    I chose the certificate and provision already created and it finally works.