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Copying text with a new line to <input type="text"/> not working in IE

My problem is the following:

I have an input, simple as that:

<input type="text"/>

And when I try to paste some text that contains a new line in it, all the text after the new line does not appear.

Now I know this type of input shouldn't support such behavior, and the best scenario is to use a textarea but that would be hardly achievable in the current project I am working on.

However, other browsers convert the new line to a space character and append the text after the new line so you eventually get the whole text in a single line. IE doesn't do that.

I have found the following solution to intercept paste event and I thought maybe I can use it to transform the string into a single-lined but it doesn't work in firefox. I can try a browser detection but I am afraid it can fail in many other scenarios as well.

Is there something else that I can do to make IE behave like other browsers and what are my best options?


  • I found this answer that might be the solution to your problem: JavaScript get clipboard data on paste event (Cross browser)

    It should work in IE6+, FF 22+, Chrome & Safari.


    <input id='editableDiv' contenteditable='true' type="text"/>


    function handlePaste (e) {
        var clipboardData, pastedData;
        // Stop data actually being pasted into input field
        // Get pasted data via clipboard API
        clipboardData = e.clipboardData || window.clipboardData;
        pastedData = clipboardData.getData('Text');
        // Remove new line characters
        var res = pastedData.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, );
    document.getElementById('editableDiv').addEventListener('paste', handlePaste);

    Hope this helps mate.