I got the new SAP .NET connector 3.0 that is supposed to work for visual studio 2008 and 2010. I just tried to create a C# console application and I went to the project menu to add a "new item" but I do not see an SAP Proxy item. What am I missing ?
I am aware of the .NET connector 2.0 but I do not want the 2.0 version. I've already seen the code project article etc., so please do not post a link to an article referencing the 2.0 version. The whole purpose of SAP .NET connector 3.0 is to utilize vs 2010.
I've also taken the 2 DLL files from C:\Program Files\SAP\SAPDotNet
, and sapnco_utils.dll
) and referenced those files in my C# application. I also have a reference to System.Web.Services.
I should be now able to right click my project and "Add Item" and one of those items should be an SAP Proxy object item...
The 3.0 connector doesn't work this way. From the documentation:
With the .NET Connector 2.0, the NCo design time would generate a “proxy method” for each ABAP function module you want to call, and one specific class for each structure or table type that this function module is referencing. You had to create objects from these structure/table classes and pass them into the proxy method corresponding to the function module.
Now with the .NET Connector 3.0, there is no longer any kind of generated code.