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Executing python code in new process is much slower than on main process

I started learning about multiprocessing in python and I noticed that same code is executed much faster on main process than in process which is created with multiprocessing module.

Here is simplified example of my code, where i first execute code on main process and print time for first 10 calculation and time for total calculation. And than same code is executed on new process (which is long running process at which i can send new_pattern at any time).

import multiprocessing
import random
import time

old_patterns = [[random.uniform(-1, 1) for _ in range(0, 10)] for _ in range(0, 2000)]
new_patterns = [[random.uniform(-1, 1) for _ in range(0, 10)] for _ in range(0, 100)]

new_pattern_for_processing = multiprocessing.Array('d', 10)
there_is_new_pattern = multiprocessing.Value('i', 0)
queue = multiprocessing.Queue()

def iterate_and_add(old_patterns, new_pattern):
    for each_pattern in old_patterns:
        sum = 0
        for count in range(0, 10):
            sum += each_pattern[count] + new_pattern[count]

print_count_main_process = 0
def patt_recognition_main_process(new_pattern):
    global print_count_main_process
    # START of same code on main process
    start_main_process_one_patt = time.time()
    iterate_and_add(old_patterns, new_pattern)
    if print_count_main_process < 10:
        print_count_main_process += 1
        print("Time on main process one pattern:", time.time() - start_main_process_one_patt)
    # END of same code on main process

def patt_recognition_new_process(old_patterns, new_pattern_on_new_proc, there_is_new_pattern, queue):
    print_count = 0
    while True:
        if there_is_new_pattern.value:
            #START of same code on new process
            start_new_process_one_patt = time.time()
            iterate_and_add(old_patterns, new_pattern_on_new_proc)
            if print_count < 10:
                print_count += 1
                print("Time on new process one pattern:", time.time() - start_new_process_one_patt)
            #END of same code on new process
            there_is_new_pattern.value = 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    start_main_process = time.time()
    for new_pattern in new_patterns:
    print("Total Time on main process:", time.time() - start_main_process)


    start_new_process = time.time()
    p1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=patt_recognition_new_process, args=(old_patterns, new_pattern_for_processing, there_is_new_pattern, queue))
    for new_pattern in new_patterns:
        for idx, n in enumerate(new_pattern):
            new_pattern_for_processing[idx] = n
        there_is_new_pattern.value = 1
        while True:
            msg = queue.get()
            if msg == "DONE":
    print("Total Time on new process:", time.time()-start_new_process)

And here is my result:

Time on main process one pattern: 0.0025289058685302734
Time on main process one pattern: 0.0020127296447753906
Time on main process one pattern: 0.002008199691772461
Time on main process one pattern: 0.002511262893676758
Time on main process one pattern: 0.0020067691802978516
Time on main process one pattern: 0.0020036697387695312
Time on main process one pattern: 0.0020072460174560547
Time on main process one pattern: 0.0019974708557128906
Time on main process one pattern: 0.001997232437133789
Time on main process one pattern: 0.0030074119567871094
Total Time on main process: 0.22810864448547363


Time on new process one pattern: 0.03462791442871094
Time on new process one pattern: 0.03308463096618652
Time on new process one pattern: 0.034590721130371094
Time on new process one pattern: 0.033623456954956055
Time on new process one pattern: 0.03407788276672363
Time on new process one pattern: 0.03308820724487305
Time on new process one pattern: 0.03408670425415039
Time on new process one pattern: 0.0345921516418457
Time on new process one pattern: 0.03710794448852539
Time on new process one pattern: 0.03358912467956543
Total Time on new process: 4.0528037548065186

Why is there so big difference in execution time?


  • Its a bit subtle, but the problem is with

    new_pattern_for_processing = multiprocessing.Array('d', 10)

    That doesn't hold python float objects, it holds raw bytes, in this case enough to hold 10 8-byte machine level double. When you read or write to this array, python must convert float to double or the other way around. This isn't a big deal if you are reading or writing once, but your code does it many times in a loop and those conversions dominate.

    To confirm, I copied the machine level array to a list of python floats once and had the process work on that. Now its speed is the same as the parent. My changes were only in one function

    def patt_recognition_new_process(old_patterns, new_pattern_on_new_proc, there_is_new_pattern, queue):
        print_count = 0
        while True:
            if there_is_new_pattern.value:
                local_pattern = new_pattern_on_new_proc[:]
                #START of same code on new process
                start_new_process_one_patt = time.time()
                #iterate_and_add(old_patterns, new_pattern_on_new_proc)
                iterate_and_add(old_patterns, local_pattern)
                if print_count < 10:
                    print_count += 1
                    print("Time on new process one pattern:", time.time() - start_new_process_one_patt)
                #END of same code on new process
                there_is_new_pattern.value = 0