I'm using InstallShiled 2014 SP1 standalone to build a msi which will generate a cabinet file "Data1.cab". In past years, the msi comes out successfully, the size of data1.cab is 95KB. But in recent days, the size of data1.cab is only 25KB, lots of binaries didn't compress into cab. The build log show succeed. This lead to error 1334, the file xxx cannot be installed beacause the file cannot be found in cabinet file "Data1.cab".
But I didn't change anything. After I found this issue, I rebuild msi, everything back to normal.
Compare the build logs and system event viewer, no error find.
Does anyone meet this problem? Is it a InstallShiled bug?
Well, I solved this problems. After I expand the disk free space from 10GB+ to 30GB, the issue disappear. I know this solution does not make sense, and could not explain why rebuild succeed. But I didn't change anything besides disk size. Hope this can help someone.