Using NativeScript 3 + Angular 5.
I need to allow the user to swipe an item within a RadListView to reveal a short description about the item.
<ng-template tkListItemTemplate let-item="item">
<VideoComponent [video]="item"></VideoComponent>
<ng-template tkListItemSwipeTemplate let-item="item">
<GridLayout columns="*, 500" class="gridLayoutLayout">
<StackLayout id="short-desc" col="1">
<Label [text]="item.shortDescription" class="body" verticalAlignment="center" horizontalAlignment="center"></Label>
I would like to be able to access the current item inside the tkListItemSwipeTemplate so that I can bind the text property of the label to the short description. Currently I am getting the following error
JS: ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'shortDescription' of undefined
I know this question is a little old now, but for anyone who comes here looking for an answer, I have managed to work-around this problem. Bind your label text to a different value i.e.:
<Label [text]="myLabelText"...
Then in your onSwipeCellStarted callback, you can use the index property on the ListViewEventData argument and set 'myLabelText' appropriately e.g.:
onSwipeCellStarted(args: ListViewEventData) {
this.myLabelText = featuredVideos[args.index].shortDescription;
This should get you out of trouble. Hope it helps :)